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Roanoke Go Outside Festival

September 25th, 2019

From Katie Beach with the Roanoke Regional Partnership

October 18th- 20th is a big weekend in Roanoke as it is the annual Go Outside Festival! We want to encourage college students to come see what this festival is all about!! On Saturday, October 19th, we are hosting a scavenger hunt exclusively for college students! You can come by yourself, with a friend, or better yet a big group! You will be able to compete against other schools for great prizes, and everyone who comes is guaranteed some cool swag!


To enter: Text FEST to 66866 or Click here to learn more about the scavenger hunt.


For the full GoFest schedule, feel free to visit: https://www.roanokegofest.com/  


Come enjoy this FREE festival and all it has to offer! This event is open to any student, so feel free to share widely!

If you have any questions email Katie@roanoke.org