The Signup Period For This Trip Is Over
OCVT Alternative Big Event
Trip Leader - Brittan Wilcox
Trip Date: | Saturday, Apr 6, 2019 | Meeting Date: | 8:00 AM |
Trip Type: | Worktrip | Max Attendees: | 40 People |
Attendee Restrictions: | Open To Everyone | Pets: | Pets NOT Allowed |
Drivers Requested: | Yes | Distance/Difficulty: | - Strenuous |
Want to do more than than everyone else for Big Event? Come help OCVT clean up and clear invasive species from the Appalachian Trail instead of throwing this year's mulch on top of last year's mulch.
Tools, PPE, and some transportation to be provided by OCVT and the Appalachian Trail Conservancy. If we have a lot of people then we will need to carpool as well. The Forestry Graduate Student Association will be providing lunch and snacks, so bring your own water and any snacks you simply can't live without. Since we're not officially through the Big Event, we probably won't get shirts (but I'm working on that).
Our projects are:
- Invasive plant removal and trash cleanup at the Burrus Tract on the Appalachian Trail. Removing bush honeysuckle and autumn olive primarily, so this woud involve loppers, folding saws, and grubbing tools (pulaskis/pick mattocks).
- Brushing in social trails/switchback shortcuts and cleaning up fire rings on the Dragons Tooth Trail.
- Clearing invasive species from Appalachian Trail near the historic Pearis cemetary. The area is overgrown with Multiflora Rose and other invasive species. This is what we did last year and it was great!
- Clearing invasive species from the Andy Layne trail. Sensing a trend here? This one's a lot of garlic mustard, but with multiflora rose and honeysuckle as well if we have a large enough group.
We'll decide which of these to tackle and what teams to send the morning of. If you have a preference of which one to do, send me a message below.
* We should acknowledge that the Big Event does wonders for student-community relationships and is a great program at VT. We believe that everyone should participate in whatever capacity they can.
Meeting Location
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Trip Difficulty
- StrenuousIt's not easy work, but it's really rewarding. Different tools and roles let everyone do something to their ability. We might encounter some thorns.
What You Should Bring
Wear long sleeves and pants
Tools, PPE, and lunch provided.